Persona 3 Reload: Mastering Maya's Hermit Social Link
In the realm of Persona, the Hermit Arcana isn't just about some sage-like figure. It's about that wise soul who prefers the company of pixels over people. Imagine meeting someone like that in an online game – it's like finding a hermit in the digital wilderness. But hold on, Maya, our digital recluse, embodies the Hermit Arcana not just virtually but also in her own life.
To kick off the Hermit Social Link, you gotta hang tight till 4/29, the day when the dorm's internet resurrection happens. Junpei, the wingman, hands you a relic of the gaming past – Innocent Sin, an old MMORPG, a day before this internet revival. Come 4/29, park yourself at the protagonist's desk during daylight hours to dive into Innocent Sin and kickstart the Hermit link.
But, here's the kicker – advancing this link is a weekend and holiday affair only. Summer break? Forget about it, even if the calendar's screaming at you in red. Don't let every hangout invite sway you; some days need to be devoted to conquering Innocent Sin.
Now, just like any Social Link dance, what you say holds the key to speed up the relationship. A little chat with Maya, while wielding a Hermit Persona, and choosing the wittiest responses listed below can set the wheels in motion.
Hermit Rank 1
Enter the virtual realm of Innocent Sin for the first time, and there's Maya, your in-game comrade. She throws a name suggestion your way – Tatsuya, fitting for a newbie. Choose any dialogue that tickles your fancy; no points to be won till Rank 2.
Hermit Rank 2
Maya's thrilled to see you back but grumbles about being stuck indoors. Throw these responses her way:
- Of course. (Score: 3)
- ...Have we met? (Score: 0)
- Don't you like video games? (Score: 0)
- Sunshine is overrated. (Score: 1)
- Guess we're loners. (Score: 0)
Hermit Rank 3
Maya's gaming with a side of drinks, and her spelling takes a nosedive. Choose these replies:
- Oh really? o_0 (Score: 1)
- Are you an adult? (Score: 0)
- You don't like your job? (Score: 3)
- Are you burned out? (Score: 0)
Hermit Rank 4
Maya's dodging marriage questions and spotting sketchy characters at Paulownia Mall. This unlocks the Devil Social Link and demands Charm 4 to catch the sketchy man's eye.
- Don't wanna get married? (Score: 0)
- You'll need a boyfriend first. (Score: 0)
- Let's plan our wedding, then. (Score: 3)
Hermit Rank 5
Maya's ranting about a mysterious Mr. E at work. Dig deeper with these queries:
- Who's Mr. E? (Score: 1)
- Are you drunk again? (Score: 0)
- Do you mean S.O.B.? (Score: 1)
- A drunken master? (Score: 1)
- Maya's a reporter, right? (Score: 0)
- Are you a teacher? (Score: 1)
The fifth answer? Another nod to Persona 2, where Maya was a reporter.
Hermit Rank 6
Maya's still venting about Mr. E and her gym routine. Keep the convo cool:
- Calm down. (Score: 0)
- What bastard? (Score: 3)
Hermit Rank 7
Maya's pondering love, aging, and a mysterious eternally young teacher. Navigate this with finesse:
- What are you talking about? (Score: 0)
- Age isn't the point. (Score: 1)
- Well, yeah. (Score: 3)
- She, um...what? (Score: 1)
- Calm down. (Score: 1)
Hermit Rank 8
In a plot twist, Maya spills about her crush on a student, unveiling her real-world identity. Keep the chat spicy:
- Are you talking to yourself? (Score: 0)
- Hurry up and tell me. (Score: 3)
- What is he like? (Score: 1)
- Are you gonna ask him out? (Score: 0)
Hermit Rank 9
Innocent Sin's developers pull the plug, and Maya's not thrilled. She vows to send her chat logs to prove the game's worth. Navigate this farewell:
- Not much we can do. (Score: 0)
- No way! (Score: 1)
- Whatever, I guess. (Score: 0)
- I think so. (Score: 0)
- No, this is the end. (Score: 0)
- Don't worry about that. (Score: 0)
- What are you planning? (Score: 1)
- This won't change anything. (Score: 0)
Hermit Rank 10
After diving into the chat logs, Maya decides it's time to stop the complaining spree. Innocent Sin bids adieu even before server lights out. Choose the responses that speak to you.
And there you have it – the culmination of the Hermit Social Link gifts you the key item, Screenshot Data. This opens the door to Arahabaki, the ultimate Hermit Persona, for your encore in New Game Plus.
Tags: #Games #Persona 3 Reload
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