GTA Online Passive Mode: How to Enable, Disable, and Use it Effectively

What is Passive Mode in GTA Online?

When we activate Passive Mode in GTA Online, our avatar gains invulnerability. This nifty feature shields us from persistent griefers who aim to repeatedly eliminate our avatar, while also preventing us from attacking others. Upon the first demise of our avatar, a cutscene introduces us to this mechanic, where Cris Formage elaborates on online death and how Passive Mode serves as a shield against it. Interestingly, Passive Mode made its way to Red Dead Redemption 2, rebranded as "Friendly Free Roam."

How to Turn On/Off Passive Mode in GTA Online

Switching on or off Passive Mode in GTA Online is a breeze with these straightforward steps:

  1. Access the Interaction Menu (M on PC, View button on Xbox, and left on the Directional Pad on PlayStation).
  2. Scroll down to find the Passive Mode option.
  3. Toggle the Passive Mode setting as desired.

It's important to note that Passive Mode isn't available in weaponized vehicles. Besides the Interaction Menu, the Pause Menu also offers the option to enable or disable Passive Mode:

  1. Go to the Online section.
  2. Select Options.
  3. Activate or deactivate Passive Mode.

Once Passive Mode is turned off, there's a five-minute cooldown before it can be reactivated. Additionally, if you've recently engaged in player elimination, the feature might not be accessible for a certain period. Given its ability to deter disruptive gameplay, Passive Mode is likely to remain a staple feature and could possibly make an appearance in GTA 6. Some players have encountered glitches preventing them from deactivating Passive Mode, but this can usually be resolved by entering a weaponized vehicle, switching sessions, or rebooting GTA Online.

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